A severe collision at a junction in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, involving an XUV3XO and a Maruti Celerio resulted in significant vehicle damage but no critical injuries. The incident underscores the common issue of driver impatience at junctions, often leading to accidents.
This video was shared on youtube which focuses on road safety and car performance in unfortunate scenarios. In this case, an incident occurred at a junction in Trichy, Tamil Nadu that shows a crash happened when an XUV3XO was making a turn and got hit from the side by a Maruti Celerio. It appears that the driver of the XUV3XO may not have been paying attention while turning, and the Celerio’s driver was unable to avoid the collision.
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The impact was severe, causing significant damage to both vehicles. The side of the XUV3XO was heavily damaged, with the tyre dislodged and the door panels deformed. The Maruti Celerio also suffered major damage to its front end, affecting the bumper, radiator, grille, bonnet, headlamps, windshield, and fender. Fortunately, there were no critical injuries reported from this crash. This incident underscores a common issue on our roads: the lack of patience among drivers at junctions, which frequently leads to accidents.
Here are some reasons why one should always pay attention while making turns, and follow traffic protocols –
1. Safety for All Road Users:
2. Legal Compliance:
3. Traffic Flow Efficiency:
4. Stress Reduction:
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