Last Week, Mahindra launched the Bolero Neo Plus in India which is available in 2 Variants – P4 and P10; and its priced at Rs. 11.39 – Rs. 12.49 Lakh. Now, the SUV has started reaching the dealerships across the country.
Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus: All Details!
The newly launched Bolero Neo Plus has started arriving at the dealerships across the country. Mahindra offers the SUV in two variants – P4 and P10. The base “P4” variant doesn’t get tons of features such as infotainment system, electrically adjustable ORVMs, Anti-Glare IRVM, Remote Key Entry, Steering-Mounted controls, Reverse Parking Camera, Rear Wiper and Defogger, Alloy Wheels, Fog Lamps, etc.
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Other than that, the SUV is equipped with Manual Air Conditioner with Eco Mode, Rear Parking Sensors, 2 Airbags, ABS with EBD, seat belt reminders, etc. among few other features. The SUV gets 9 Seats as standard with the seating arrangement being 2-3-4 layout. The SUV is sold in three colour options – Napoli Black, Majestic Silver, and Diamond Black.
In terms of Engine Options, the Bolero Neo+ comes powered with a 2.2 L 4 Cylinder mHawk Diesel Engine producing 118 BHP and 280 NM of torque coupled with a 6 Speed Manual Gearbox.
Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus although have no direct rivals, it still competes with the seven-seater cars in this price range like the Kia Carens, Maruti Suzuki XL6 and Ertiga, etc.
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